Ian Boldon - Motion Designer


Designer & Animator

The Bermuda video's goal was to concept, and design a video for the company Bermuda, which was pitched as the Uber of boats. The goal was to have a 30 second explainer video. I was provided with a script, and some rough mock ups of what the app would look like, and given creative freedom.

I concepted, designed, and animated the video. 

Voiceover was done by the talented Warren Reid.

You can catch him on twitter @urbanmasque , or at voice123.com/urban


Rough Sketches: Early stages of the sketching had more character animation, but as the project went along, it's something that never really seemed to fit. 


Design Boards: The original boards also had a pier in the beginning, which were later replaced by a beach. Boardwalks are for vampires. (That's Right. A Lost Boys reference. I'm not ashamed).